LAST REVISED: 22 Oct 2013

On this part of our site you will find a Calendar of activities, events and due dates; a listing of Kentucky Chapter Officers, Chapter meeting dates and links to Chapters with websites; and a copy of our Kentucky Society’s Constitution and By-Laws. In addition there are links to many sites that contain American Revolutionary War information. Most, if not all, of the information mentioned on this page can be found below “Compatriots” on the menu to the right of this text.


2013-10-22 - Chapters page revised.
2013-10-08 - Update to Patriots Buried in KY page.
2013-10-03 - Modified Kentucky Pioneer Newsletters page.
2013-09-30 - Revised Chapters page.
2013-09-26 -

2013-09-06 - Chapters page updated.
2013-09-06 - Modified Patriot Ancestors page.
2013-09-04 -

2013-08-30 - Patriot Ancestors page revised.
2013-08-27 - Update to Calendar of Events.
2013-07-26 - Published Kentucky Pioneer Vol. 9 Issue 5 to web.
2013-07-12 - Patriot Ancestors page modified.
2013-07-03 - Changed
  • e-Mail Addresses for President and an
  • e-Mail addresses on the Chapters page.
2013-06-28 - Revised
  • e-Mail Addresses for:
    • President Elect
    • Vice-President
    • Treasurer
    • Historian
    • Editor
    • Webmaster
  • Patriot Ancestors page.
  • Some e-Mail addresses on the Chapters page.
2013-06-21 - Updates to:
  • KY Pioneer page.
  • Welcome page.
2013-06-19 - Chapters page revised.
2013-06-16 - Modified:
  • Constitution
  • By-Laws
2013-06-11 - Revised:
  • Patriot Ancestors page
  • Patriots Buried in Kentucky page
2013-05-31 - Kentucky Pioneer page revised.
2013-05-20 - Revised pages:
  • Calendar
  • Patriots Buried in Kentucky
2013-05-18 - Calendar page modified.
2013-05-12 - Updated:
  • Patriot Ancestors page
  • Patriots Buried in Kentucky page
2013-04-28 - Revised Links page.
2013-04-26 - Modified the following pages:
  • Contacts and
  • Chapters.
2013-04-25 - Chapters page revised.
2013-04-21 - Additional revision to Officers page.
2013-04-20 - Revised Officers page.
2013-04-18 - Patriot Ancestors revised.
2013-04-17 - Update to Patriot Ancestors.
2013-04-08 - Modified
  • Kentucky Pioneer page and
  • Patriot Ancestors page
2013-03-23 - Update to Patriots Buried in Kentucky.
2013-03-12 - Patriot Ancestor page revised.
2013-03-10 -
  • Officers e-Mail addresses updated.
  • Revised Officers page for 2013-2014 Society Officers.
2013-03-08 - Modified Patriot Ancestors page.
2013-03-06 - Chapters
page modified.
- Revised Chapters page.
2013-02-04 - Added item to Calendar for 25 & 26 May.
2013-02-02 - Calendar page revised.
2013-02-01 - Ky Pioneer Newsletter Vol. 9 Issue 1 Published to web.
2013-01-24 - Revised Calendar page.
2012-12-26 - Volume 8 Issue 7 of The Kentucky Pioneer published to web.
2012-11-25 - Published Ky Pioneer Newsletter Vol. 8 Issue 6 to web.
2012-11-16 - Patriot Ancestors web page updated.
2012-11-12 - Modified:
  • Patriot Ancestors web page &
  • Patriots Buried in Kentucky web page
2012-10-17 - Update Calendar page.
2012-09-24 - Revised:
  • Calendar page &
  • Patriots Buried in KY page
2012-09-17 - Published Ky Pioneer Newsletter Vol. 8 Issue 5 to web.
2012-09-11 - Patriot Ancestors page & Calendar page updated.
2012-09-10 - Patriot Ancestors page modified.
2012-08-07 - Revised the following pages:
  • Chapters &
  • Contacts
2012-08-06 - Calendar page modified.
2012-07-30 - New Members added to Patriot Ancestor page.
2012-07-29 - Revised Contacts page.
2012-07-27 - Published KY Pioneer Vol. 8, Issue 4 to the web.
2012-07-23 -
  • Calendar page revised.
  • Patriot Ancestors page updated.
2012-07-21 - Modified Patriot Ancestors page.
2012-07-12 - Revised Chapters page.
2012-06-24 - Update to Links page.
2012-06-04 -
  • Published Ky Pioneer Vol. 8, Issue 3 to KY Pioneer web page
  • Posted KYSSAR Summer Meeting info on Calendar page
2012-05-24 - modified Patriot Ancestors page
2012-05-18 - Patriot Ancestors page updated
2012-05-08 - Central District Meeting Info. posted to Calendar page
2012-05-07 - Revised
  • Chapters page
  • Links page
2012-05-04 - Patriot Ancestors page revised
2012-04-24 - Made updates to Patriot Ancestors page
2012-04-23 - Modified
  • Outreach page
  • Calendar page
2012-04-03 - Updates to
  • Patriot Ancestors page
  • Ky Pioneer page
  • Calendar page
2012-03-30 - Revised
  • Patriot Ancestors page
  • Patriots Buried in KY page
2012-03-27 -
  • Revised Patriots Buried in KY page
  • Modified Calendar page
2012-03-14 - Minutes page revised
2012-03-11 -
  • Patriot Ancestors page updated
  • Replaced 2011-2012 with 2012-2013 Officer page
2011-03-10 -
  • Replaced 2011-2012 Officers with 2012-2013 Officers page
  • Changed standardized KYSSAR e-Mail Addresses to 2012-13 Officers
2012-03-01 - Update to Chapters page
2012-02-27 - Patriots Buried in KY page modified
2012-02-24 - Revised Patriot Buried in KY page
2012-02-17 - posted Vol. 8 Issue 1 (February 2012) to Ky Pioneer page
2012-02-16 - Calendar page updated
2012-02-15 - Changed Patriot Ancestors page
2012-01-23 - Added to Patriot Ancestors page
2012-01-27 - Corrected By-Laws page - Articles improperly displayed
2012-01-23 - Patriot Ancestors page updated
2012-01-18 - Modified Patriot Ancestors page
2012-01-11 - Revised Patriot Ancestors page
2012-01-06 - Ky Pioneer page updated
2011-12-31 - Modified the following pages:
  • Chapters
  • Patriot Ancestors

2011-12-30 - Modified the following pages:

  • Patriot Ancestors
  • Patriots Buried in KY

2011-12-28 - Modified the following pages:

  • Patriot Ancestors
  • Patriots Buried in KY

2011-12-22 - Added Capt. William Arnold link to Chapters.
2011-12-13 - Modified the following pages:

  • Contacts
  • Patriots Buried in KY
  • Chapters
2011-12-11 - Revised Patriots Buried in KY page.
2011-12-10 - Patriots Buried in KY page updated.
2011-12-09 - Changed Patriot Ancestors page.
2011-12-08 - Modified Patriots Buried in KY page.
2011-12-05 - Revised Patriot Ancestors & Patriots Buried in KY pages.
2011-11-23 - Updated Patriots Buried in KY page.
2011-11-23 - Patriots Buried in KY & Patriot Ancestors pages revised.
2011-11-22 - Modified Patriots Buried in KY page.
2011-11-21 - Patriots Buried in KY
page updated.
2011-11-16 - Patriot Ancestors
page modified.
2011-11-15 -
Revised Patriots Buried in KY page.
2011-11-06 -
Patriot Ancestors page revised.
2011-11-05 -
Modified Patriot Ancestors page.
2011-11-01 -
Published Vol. 7, Issue 7 to Ky Pioneer page.
2011-10-31 - Patritos Buried in KY
page updated.
2011-10-30 -
Revised Patritos Buried in KY page.
2011-10-28 - Patriot Ancestors
page modified.
2011-10-27 -
Update of Patriot Ancestors page.
2011-10-26 -
Modified Patriots Buried in KY.
2011-10-14 -
Posted Pending Approval versions of the 2011 Fall B.O.G & General Membership Meetings to Meetings page.
2011-10-13 -
revised Patriots Buried in KY.
2011-10-03 - moved Patriots Buried in KY from Gov. Isaac Shelby Chapter's Site.
2011-10-02 - revised Chapters and Contacts web pages.
2011-09-20 - posted Approved 2011-07-16 Meeting Minutes and Proposed Agendas for .
2011-09-19 - Calendar and Kentucky Pioneer pages revised.
2011-09-05 - Revised Dues & Fees page.
2011-08-05 - Update Patriot Ancestors page.
2011-07-21 - Modified Calendar page.
2011-07-19 -
  • Posted Minutes to Meeting Minutes page.
  • Calendar page updated.

2011-07-06 - Patriot Ancestors page updated.
2011-06-22 - Added Volume 7 Issue 5 toKy Pioneer page.
2011-05-26 -

  • Modified Calendar page.
  • Added Volume 7 Issue 4 News Letter to Ky Pioneer page.

2011-05-23 - Revised Calendar page.
2011-05-22 -
Posted copies of unapproved 05 Mar 2011 Board Of Governors Minutes and General Membership Minutes to the Minutes page.
2011-05-21 -
page & Chapters page contents updated
2011-05-16 -
Revised Chapters page content
2011-05-01 -

  • Modified Capt. William Arnold Officers on Chapters page.
  • Updated Calendar & Events page.

2011-04-29 -

  • Added link for Big Sandy Chapter web site to Chapters page.
  • Patriot Ancestors page modified.

2011-04-25 - Revised Patriot Ancestors page.
2011-04-21 - Patriot Ancestors
page updated.
2011-04-15 -
Updated Patriot Ancestors page.
2011-04-13 -

  • Amended KYSSAR By-Laws page published
  • Calendar & Events page updated
  • Chapter page updated
2011-04-10 - Calendar & Events page updated.
2011-04-07 - Ky Pioneer
page updated.
2011-04-02 - Calendar & Events
page updated.
- Revised Chapter meeting info on Calender and Chapters pages.
2011-03-25 - Calendar & Events page updated.
- Revised Calendar page.
2011-03-16 - added Newsletters Volume 7 Issues 1 & 2 to KY Pioneer page.
2011-03-10 - Calendar & Events
page changed.
2011-03-08 - Chapters page updated.
- Calendar & Events
page modified.
- Replaced 2010-2011 Officers with 2011-2012 Officers page.
- Changed standardized KYSSAR e-Mail Addresses to 2011-12 Officers.
2011-02-22 -
Added & modified Patriots on Patriot Ancestors page.
2011-01-25 -
  • Added link for Capt. Charles Duncan Chapter to Chapters page.
  • Made correction to Calendar & Events page.

2011-01-18 - New content added to Calendar & Events page.
- Added new info to Patriot Ancestors page.
2011-01-05 -
Made correction to Calendar & Events page.

  • Capt. Charles Gattliff & Gov. Isaac Shelby Chapter Meetings added to Calendar & Events page.
  • Modified William Arnold Chapter Registrar on Chapters page.

2011-01-01 - Events added to Calendar & Events page.
2010-12-25 - Made correction to Chaters page
2010-12-20 - Made the following updates:

  • prepared Calendar & Events page for 2011
  • made corrections on Patriot Ancestors page &
  • added KY Pioneer Newsletter Volume 6 Issue 6 to KY Pioneer page

2010-12-15 -

  • Added e-Mail addresses for Simon Kenton's 2011 Officers
  • Updated Calendar of Events for December 2010 & all of entries for 2011 that have been submitted as of this date

2010-12-14 - Revised Chapters page to show newly installed Officers

  • Lafayette Chapter and
  • Simon Kenton Chapter

2010-10-23 - Patriot Ancestors page updated
2010-10-20 -
Corrected Grave Marking Time & Location on 23 Oct
2010-10-19 -
Update events on Calendar & Events page
2010-10-02 -
Revised Calendar & Events page
2010-10-02 -
Update Calendar & Events page
2010-09-19 -

  • Corrected e-Mail address on Officers' page
  • Revisied information on Calendar & Events page
2010-09-07 - Added event to Calendar & Events page
2010-09-06 -
Added events to Calendar & Events page
2010-09-04 -
Posted events to Calendar & Events page
2010-09-01 -
  • Added Meeting Minutes page
  • Made entries to Calendar & Events page

2010-08-28 - Modified Ky Patriot Ancestor page - corrected spelling of Compatriot's Surname
2010-08-09 - Modified Ky Pioneer page - added Vol. 6-4
2010-08-08 - Added details to:

  • Info about Battle Blue Licks Memorial Service and
  • Bullitt & Christian Grave Marking Services
2010-08-05 - Added 2009 Slide Show to Links
2010-08-01 - Calendar & Events page was updated
2010-07-09 - Modified Patriot Ancestors entry
2010-07-08 - Modified Ky Patriot Ancestor page - Added new Ky Compatriots and their Ancestors along with recently approved Supplimentals and their Ancestors.
2010-07-01 - Update Calendar & Events page
2010-06-23 - Update Calendar & Events page
2010-06-20 - Update Calendar & Events page
2010-06-15 - Calendar & Events page Updated
2010-06-09 - Calendar & Events page Updated
2010-06-08 - Added Ky Pioneer Newsletter - V6-3 to The Kentucky NewsLetter Page
2010-06-06 - Patriot Ancestor page Updated
2010-06-01 - Calendar & Events page Updated
2010-05-24 - Calendar & Events page Updated
2010-05-09 - Updated:
  • Patriot Ancestor page and
  • Calendar & Events page - Added link on History Battle of Point Pleasant.
2010-04-30 - Louisville Thruston Chapter Web Site - The Louisville Thruston Chapter now has a web site! It can be viewed at:
2010-04-12 - Officers & Contacts -
Modified Louisville Thruston Officers list to reflect 2010-2011 Chapter Officers & changed Louisville Thruston Chapter contact on the Contacts page.
2010-03-07 - Officers -
Modified KYSSAR Officers list to reflect installation of Society Officers on 06 Mar 2010 and also changed standardized KYSSAR e-Mail Addresses.
2010-02-18 - Dues & Fees
- In response to the many questions regarding our current membership dues and fees a page has been published beneath the Compatriots menu which lists present NSSAR, KYSSAR & KYSSAR Chapters’ Dues and Fees.

2009-12-18 - 2009-11-03 - Patriot Ancestor Info - You may be interested in the recently added and growing listing of KYSSAR Compatriots’ Patriot Ancestors. Long range plans for this page include links to a more detailed description of the activities our patriots performed in support of their fight for our Nation’s Independence.

Your suggestions and comments should be directed to our “Webmaster” at For your convenience a e-mail link to the webmaster is located on the bottom of each page.

Please enjoy your visit!