LAST REVISED: 16 Jun 2012

Article I - Membership
Section 1 - Applicants for membership in the Kentucky Society shall meet all the requirements for membership in the National Society, Sons of the American Revolution, and shall make application on the form required by the National Society.

Section 2 - The National Society, Sons of the American Revolution, recognizes annual members, life members, youth members, and memorial members. Life membership is available in the National Society only, not in the Kentucky Society

Section 3 - All new applicants shall join the Kentucky Society through a chapter. After approval at the chapter level, the application shall be forwarded to the Kentucky Society Secretary in duplicate, together with the appropriate fees. The Secretary shall sign both copies and forward them to the Registrar. The Registrar shall check the application for errors or omissions, sign it, and forward one copy to the Registrar General of the National Society.

Section 4 - Upon receipt of notification from the Registrar General of acceptance, the applicant shall be recognized as a member of the Kentucky Society, his state and national numbers entered by the Secretary, and his name entered upon the role of the Kentucky Society. The Treasurer shall issue to the new member his membership card. The Secretary shall notify the chapter secretary of such approval.

Section 5 - In the event an application is rejected or withdrawn, notification shall proceed in the same manner. Dues submitted with the application shall be returned, but the admission fees shall be retained to cover the costs of processing the application.

Section 6 - A Certificate of Membership shall be provided each new member as part of the admission process. Replacement certificates for members in good standing may be obtained through the Secretary from the National Society.

Section 7 - Whereas the National Society provides for Life Membership, the Kentucky Society no longer does so. Hence, a member may become a Life member of the National Society, but must continue to pay annual state and chapter dues. Provisions of these by-laws concerning life membership apply to those already holding this status, and to future life members in the National Society, and to the Life Membership Trust Fund established to administer their dues.

Article II - Dues and Fees
Section 1 - Annual per capita dues consist of national, state, and chapter dues. National dues are set by the National Society, state dues are set by the Kentucky Society, and chapter dues are set by each chapter.

Section 2 - Annual dues are payable to the Treasurer no later than December 15 of each year. A dues notice shall be mailed to all annual members no later than sixty (60) days prior to the due date, with a second notice sent to those who have not responded no later than thirty (30) days prior to the due date. A list of delinquent members shall then be provided to the chapter secretaries to enlist the help of the chapters in collecting delinquent dues. Chapters which wish to send out the dues notices to their members shall so notify the Treasurer no later than thirty (30) days prior to the date on which the first dues notices are to be sent out.

Section 3 - The Treasurer shall send to each chapter a roster of all members in good standing, as well as a list of those who have been dropped from the rolls for non-payment of dues, within fourteen (14) days after a final report has been submitted to the National Society. He shall remit to each chapter a check for the chapter dues of those annual members in good standing. He shall also remit for each life member, from the Life Member Trust Fund, an amount not to exceed the regular chapter dues determined by the Life Member Trust Fund Committee.

Section 4 - The Treasurer shall remit to the Treasurer General of the National Society the per capita national dues for all members in good standing, by the date, and in the manner, set by the National Society.

Section 5 - The fiscal year for the Kentucky Society and its chapters shall be the same as that of the National Society.

Section 6 - Fees for applications for membership, transfer of membership from another Society to the Kentucky Society, reinstatement after having allowed membership to lapse, and supplemental applications shall be those of the National Society plus those of the Kentucky Society as set by the Board of Governors and approved at an annual meeting of the Society. The Treasurer shall prepare and distribute to all chapters at each annual meeting a schedule of such current fees.

Section 7 - Membership applications received from the son, grandson, brother, nephew, or grandnephew of an SAR or DAR member, or the son of an SR member, or from a member of CAR under the age of 22, shall be charged fees in keeping with the provisions of the by-laws of the National Society.

Section 8 - New members shall not be required to pay state or chapter dues for the fiscal year in which their applications are approved by the National Society.

Article III - Duties of Officers
Section 1 - The President shall preside at all meetings of the Kentucky Society and of the Board of Governors, and shall exercise the usual functions and duties of a presiding officer. He shall perform such other duties on behalf of the Society, either in person, by correspondence, or by electronic means, as the Society or the Board of Governors may from time to time specify. He shall be responsible for the enforcement of the Constitution and By-Laws. He shall be a member ex officio of the Executive Committee, of the Life Member Trust Fund Committee, and of all other committees except the Nominating Committee. He shall be responsible for the program of the meetings of the Society and the Board of Governors.

Section 2 - The President Elect shall act as President in the absence of the President, and shall serve as chairman of the Nominating Committee and as a member of the Life Member Trust Fund Committee, and shall perform such other duties as may be entrusted to him by the Society or the Board of Governors.

Section 3 - The Vice-President shall act in the absence of the President Elect, shall serve as chairman of the membership committee, and as chairman of the Kentucky Society Awards Program.

Section 4 - The Secretary shall conduct the general correspondence of the Kentucky Society. With the President, he shall certify all acts of the Society, and shall have charge of the records of the Society. He shall give timely notice of the time and place of all meetings of the Society and the Board of Governors, and shall attend the same. He shall keep fair and accurate records of all proceedings and orders of the Society, and shall give notice to the several officers of all votes, orders, resolutions, and proceedings of the Society affecting them or pertaining to their respective duties. He shall certify the credentials of Society delegates to National Congresses.

Section 5 - The Treasurer shall collect and be responsible for all funds and securities of the Society. He shall deposit such funds in accounts with financial institutions in the Commonwealth, and shall make withdrawals from those accounts only as authorized by the Board of Governors. He shall make such payments to the National Society as are authorized by these By-Laws. He shall be a member of the Life Member Trust Fund Committee. He shall keep a current roster of members, and report changes from any and all causes at each meeting of the Board of Governors.

Section 6 - The Registrar shall examine all applications for membership, and, if found acceptable, sign them and forward them to the Registrar General. He shall retain one copy of each application and proofs for the archives of the Kentucky Society,

Section 7 - The Chancellor shall give opinions on legal matters affecting the Society, and shall have charge of the seal and certificate of incorporation of the Society.

Section 8 - The Historian shall, from time to time, make recommendations to the officers and Board of Governors for the collection and preservation of historical and genealogical material, shall cooperate with the historians of the chapters in collecting and recording information in reference to historical sites, and other kindred matters.

Section 9 - The Chaplain shall, if possible, be a regularly ordained minister, and shall conduct such religious services as usually appertain to that office, at all functions of the Kentucky Society.

Section 10 - The Surgeon shal be a member of the medical profession licensed in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. He shall offer advice on good health to the members, and be available during meetings if required by members.

Article IV - Elections
Section 1 - In all Society elections, as provided in Article VI of the Constitution, where there are two or more nominees for the same office, voting shall be by written ballot, with successive ballots being taken until a nominee receives a majority of votes cast.

Section 2 - All officers of the Kentucky Society and all members of the Board of Governors and the various committees of the Society shall, from the time of their election or appointment, continue in their respective offices until their respective successors shall have been duly chosen and installed.

Article V - Board of Governors
Section 1 - The Board of Governors shall conduct the affairs of the Society between meetings.

Section 2 - The Board of Governors shall meet at the same date and place as the annual meeting, but in separate session, at least two other times during the year, and any other times it may desire, or upon call by the President, or at the request of any three members.

Section 3 - The Secretary shall record and maintain minutes of each meeting of the Board of Governors, in the same manner as those of meetings of the Society.

Article VI - Society Meetings
Section 1 - There shall be a fall, spring, and summer meeting of the KYSSAR each year, held in different parts of the State. The annual meeting of the Kentucky Society shall be held in accordance with Article IX of the Constitution, in the spring of each year. Every effort shall be made to involve chapters in the area where the meeting is to be held in the planning and conduct of the annual meeting.

Section 2 - Notice of meetings must clearly state the date, time, and place of the meeting, and should be signed by the Secretary.

Section 3 - Expenses of meetings shall be paid for by registration and other fees collected by the Treasurer. Where possible, the host chapter(s) shall supply personnel to assist with registration and other necessary arrangements.

Section 4 - The Order of Business at the meetings of the Society shall be that provided by the parliamentary authority supplemented by ceremonies appropriate to the Sons of the American Revolution.

Article VII - Chapters
Section 1 - It shall be the special duty of this Society and its officers to promote the establishment of chapters throughout the Commonwealth, and to encourage their programs and activities. The President shall visit each chapter at least once during his term of office.

Section 2 - Chapters form the foundation of the Kentucky Society. No person shall be a member of a chapter who is not a member of the Society.

Section 3 - Each chapter shall file current copies of its constitution and by-laws with the Secretary, and shall inform him of any amendments to them.

Section 4 - Each chapter is required to submit an annual report listing its officers and reporting on its activities to each annual meeting of the Society. The report shall be submitted in writing. However, the person representing the chapter at the annual meeting may present an oral report. Consist failure to comply with this requirement may result in the withdrawal of the chapter's charter. Each chapter is invited to send representative to each meeting of the Society and the Board of Governor.

Section 5 - The chapter secretary is responsible for notifying the State Secretary of any known changes in chapter membership through death or otherwise, and of any changes in the mailing address and telephone numbers of chapter members.

Section 6 - In the event a chapter becomes inactive, or for any reason should cease to meet and fails to elect officers, the President shall have the authority to call a meeting of the chapter, and if necessary preside at a meeting, for the election of chapter officers and to conduct such other business as may be necessary to reactivate the chapter.

Section 7 - Pending such a meeting, the President or his designate may appoint such temporary officers in the chapter as he may deem desirable, when the regular officers have for any reason ceased to function, and such temporary officers shall perform the duties of their offices and conduct the business of the chapter until a meeting can be held to reactivate the chapter.

Section 8 - In the event all efforts to reorganize an inactive chapter fail, then, on the recommendation of the President, the Board of Governors shall revoke the charter of the chapter and it shall cease to exist. In such a case, the property of the chapter shall become the property of the Kentucky Society, and its members shall become members of another chapter, preferably the nearest one.

Section 9 - Members of the Kentucky Society may hold membership in more than one chapter. In such a case, the member shall designate one chapter as his primary chapter, and only that chapter shall report the member to the Society for purposes of collecting dues. It shall be the responsibility of the member to pay chapter dues in any secondary chapter.

Section 10 - Upon formation of a new chapter, the Kentucky Society shall provide that chapter with the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00), such sum to be used by the chapter for its activities during the interim before it collects dues.

Article VIII - Committees
Section 1 - Each standing committee of the Kentucky Society shall be described in the By-Laws of the Society as to its purposes and composition.

Section 2 - Chairmen and members of ad hoc committees shall be appointed by the President, but must be approved at the next meeting of the Board of Governors.

Section 3 - Chairmen of all committees shall make a report at all meetings of the Board of Governors.

Section 4 - Audit Committee: The Audit Committee shall consist of three members from three different chapters, and shall be appointed by the President immediately after assuming office. This committee shall conduct an audit of the general fund, the Life Member Trust Fund, and the Endowment Fund prior to the next annual meeting, and render its report at that meeting. Should there be a change in the office of Treasurer during the course of the year, an audit shall also be conducted of all accounts at that time. In addition to ensuring the accuracy of the Society's accounts, the committee shall also assure that proper procedures are being followed in all financial matters.

Section 5 - Awards Committee: An Awards Committee shall be appointed by the President shortly after assuming office. The Vice-President shall serve as chairmen of this committee, which shall include representatives of at least three chapters. This committee shall advise the Board of Governors on appropriate awards to be made in the name of the Society.

Section 6 - Budget Committee: Shortly after assuming office, the President shall appoint a Budget Committee consisting of the Treasurer and four other members, representing at least three chapters. This committee shall prepare an annual budget, advise on the expenditure of funds, and report the same to the Board of Governors.

Section 7 - Executive Committee: An Executive Committee, consisting of the President, President Elect, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall assume responsibility for the activities of the Kentucky Society between meetings of the Board of Governors. It shall select the delegates of the Society to the National Congress.

Section 8 - Life Membership Trust Fund Committee: The Life membership Trust Fund Committee shall be composed of the President, President Elect, Treasurer, and four life members of the Kentucky Society, who shall be elected to four-year staggered terms at the meeting prior to the annual meeting. This committee shall administer the Life Membership Trust Fund.

Section 9 - Membership Committee: This committee shall be chaired by the Vice-President, and shall be responsible for increasing the membership in the Kentucky Society.

Section 10 - Nominating Committee: The Nominating Committee shall be composed as provided in Article VII, Section 1, of the Constitution. It shall identify qualified members for all elective positions in the Society and present them for nomination at the meeting prior to the annual meeting.

Section 11 - Youth Programs Committee: Shortly after assuming office, the President shall appoint a Youth Programs Committee, which shall consist of one member who will be responsible for the Rumbaugh Oratory Contest, one member who will be responsible for the Knight Essay Contest, one member who will be responsible for the Eagle Scout Program, one member who will be responsible for the ROTC and JROTC Program, and one member who will be responsible for the Americanism Poster Contest. Reports shall be given at each meeting of the Board of Governors and at the annual meeting on the status of each of these programs.

Section 12 - Color Guard: A color guard committee shall be appointed by the President and shall include representatives from at least three Society Chapters.  The Vice-President shall serve on this committee, but is not the chair by default.  A chairman and color guard commander shall be elected by majority vote from active state color guard members.  Their tenure shall be for two years and they may succeed themselves. The color guard committee shall oversee, administer and schedule cross-chapter participation, under the inclusive banner of KYSSAR, in local, state, regional, or national historic and patriotic events. The color guard committee will also devise and provide common insignia for committee participants.

Article IX - Awards, Contests, and Programs
Section 1 - There shall be established from time to time awards and evidence of appreciation to members for outstanding work on behalf of the Society.

Section 2 - The Society shall also recognize, by appropriate means, outstanding citizens and acts of constructive citizenship of and by Kentuckians.

Section 3 - The Society shall encourage annual participation and sponsorship of the competitive contests of the National Society at both the chapter and the state levels. The Society may offer prizes and financial incentives to encourage participation, to be paid from the state treasury and from individual gifts designated for that purpose, and shall encourage the chapters to do the same.

Article X - Endowment Fund
Section 1
- There shall be an Endowment Fund, which shall be composed of gifts and bequests made to the Society, and which shall be administered by the Executive Committee.

Section 2 - The Endowment Fund shall be invested in such securities, funds, obligations, and instruments as are permitted for investment by fiduciaries under the laws of Kentucky. The income from said fund shall be used for purposes of the Kentucky Society as shall be determined by the Executive Committee. The principle of said fund may not be expended for any purpose, except upon approval of three-fourths vote of the members of the Society present and voting at an annual meeting; provided that, upon dissolution of the Society, said fund shall be distributed with other funds of the Kentucky Society

Article XI - Legal Notice
Service of notice under the Constitution or By-Laws upon any member of the Kentucky Society, addressed to him at his last recorded place of residence or post office address, and forwarded by mail, shall be deemed sufficient service of notice, unless any member has in writing notified the Secretary of a change of address.

Article XII - Quorum
Section 1 - A quorum for the meetings of the Kentucky Society shall consist of a minimum of ten members in good standing and representing three chapters.

Section 2 - Three members of the Board of Governors, representing two chapters, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Article XIII - Parliamentary Authority
Meetings of the Kentucky Society, the Board of Governors, and the committees of the Society shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised on all matters of parliamentary procedure.

Article XIV - Definitions
Section 1 - In this Constitution and By-Laws, the term "Society" shall mean the Kentucky Society, Sons of the American Revolution, and reference to any officer, such as President, Secretary, Treasurer, etc. shall mean that officer in the Kentucky Society, except where herein otherwise specified.

Section 2 - In this Constitution and By-Laws, the term "ex officio" is used in the sense specified in our parliamentary authority.

Article XV - Amendment
These By-Laws may be amended by a majority vote of those delegates present and voting at any meeting of the Society, provided notice of any proposed amendments shall have been sent to each chapter not less than ten days prior to the date of the meeting.