GARLAND, Humphrey

Last revised: 06 Mar 2014

(c. 1748 – 31 Jan 1829)

Southern Campaign American Revolutionary Pension Statement

Pension application of Humphrey Garland         S 38716
On this 15th day of May 1827, personally appeared, in open court, (a) [being a court of record (b) for the district, court, County, or corporation, as the case may be,] Humphrey Garland age 79 years, resident in the Counthy of Carter who, being first duly sworn, according to law, doth, on his oath, make the following declaration, in order to obtain the provision made by the acts of Congress, the 18th of March 1818, and the 1st May, 1820, that he the said Garland, enlisted, (c) for the term of two & a half years on the ___ [blank in original] day ___ [blank in original] in the year