April Tri-State Honor Flight
CVG Airport, Level "C" 3087 Terminal Dr., Hebron, Kentucky, BooneWelcome returning veterans from their Washington D.C. trip.
Welcome returning veterans from their Washington D.C. trip.
SAR Members and Public Invite to Attend
From the official website (https://massar.org/250th/): The Massachusetts Society and the New England District are proud to host the 250th Celebration of the “shot heard 'round the world” — a phrase […]
Join the Colonel Stephen Trigg Chapter in this Patriots Day Commemoration. When: 2:00pm Central Time (with a Color Guard Muster at 1:00pm Central Time) Where: Kentucky Veterans Cemetery West 5817 […]
PGMS for Ensign William Stafford
Please join the Lafayette Chapter in Lexington's Gratz Park, as they dedicate a sign commemorating Marquis de Lafayette's Grand Tour. Color Guard Muster is at 2pm.
The LaFayette Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution and the five Daughters of the American Revolution chapters in Lexington invite you to: The LaFayette Dinner In commemoration of the 200th […]
Makers Mark Distillery
Color Guard and escort for Lafayette reenactor. Color guard muster at 4:30 p.m. More details to follow.
POC - Tom Gunn