The Researcher’s Roost

Last Revised: 18 February 2019

Researcher’s Hints & Tips

Daughters of the American Revolution

Sons of the American Revolution

Application Resources

Genealogy Forms

Pedigree Chart

Family Group Worksheets

Patriot Search

Tutorials & Workshops

Family Search Workshop by Denise Hall

Genealogy Abbreviation compiled by Denise Hall

Revolutionary Taxes as Evidence of Patriotic Service by Genealogist General, John D. Sinks

Application Preparation Do’s & Don’t’s

Do’s – Every generation should be well documented. This means that you should provide Birth, Marriage and Death records for the first three generations. Information for these generations should be easily attainable at this time. Years from now these records may not be available due to changes in state and local requirements for requesting and obtaining them, possible fires in the various repositories containing the records and other unforeseen acts and/or disasters.

Every subsequent generation must clearly prove the parentage of the last. Good sources are primary source documents such as wills, probate records, census records, military service records whenever available.

Don’t’s – Use screen prints as proof. Ancestry trees are not acceptable either unless the sources are attached and submitted.